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Mission Makeover - Season 4

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Mission Makeover | New Team Gears Up to Slim Down
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 1 Its a brand new season of Mission makeover! Today you'll meet meet the Super Six! Are they up for the challenge?
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Mission Makeover | The Mission Launches
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 2 Starting off with a through check up, followed by a detox plan to help jump-start their weight-loss program. These girls are motivated!
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Mission Makeover | Healthy Food and Lifestyle Options
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 3 Jamie Eason and Julie Moran Show Us Healthy Food and Lifestyle Options on this episode of Mission Makeover.
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Mission Makeover | Anatomy of Elimination
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 4 It’s decision day -- time for elimination. After a month of training, we find out whose Mission is ending.
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Mission Makeover | Family Dynamics-It's all about Support!
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 5 Last week was elimination for the ladies and sadly we are down to four, but these lovely ladies will tell you that they wouldn’t be here without the right support network, friends, co-workers, and especially famil
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Mission Makeover | All Work and No Play
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 6 All work and no play create burn out. Let’s change it up! Our ladies experience new ways to exercise and avoid plateaus.
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Mission Makeover | Getting over The Hump Isn’t Always Easy
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 7 The ladies are half way through their Mission Makeover journey and at this point we take stock in their progress or lack thereof and set forth making the adjustments needed.
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Mission Makeover | Mission Milestone
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 8 The ladies have been training for months now. And with the right preparation and tools, they get ready to take on one of their biggest challenges yet -- their “Mission Milestone” --- in Vegas, Baby!
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Mission Makeover | The Journey is Just As Important As the Destination
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 9
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Mission Makeover | Beauty is as beauty does!
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 10 Weight loss and seeing our bodies’ evolve often encourage us to want to make other changes and improvements.
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Mission Makeover | Grit to Be Great
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 11 As the ladies approach the end of their Mission Makeover journey the realities have now appeared.
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Mission Makeover | Almost There
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 12 We Start Together.. We Finish Together
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Mission Makeover | The Finale!
Mission Makeover | Season 4 | Episode 13 It’s been quite a journey but the time has come to reveal the transformations.

NOW PLAYING - Mission Makeover | New Team Gears Up to Slim Down